Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Can anyone prove that the certified copy of Obama's birth certificate provided to factcheck is not authentic?

I'm tired of people saying Obama has to prove he is a citizen. He has used the only evidence anyone ever needs--a certified copy of his birth certificate--to prove his Hawaiian birth. Now it should be up to the doubters to prove that it is false.

Who can prove that Obama's birth certificate is not authentic? I want to see hard evidence, not speculation.|||Dude, the one on fact check is authentic.

FYI, Alan Keyes, the guy who is trying to prove that Obama is not a US citizen, his case was thrown out by a judge because a certified copy of Obama's birth certificate was valid.

To Cesan: Negroes was used for AFRICAN AMERICANS not literal Africans. His dad was literally an African.

Obama reps have dealt with this issue already but the reason why it won't die is because some neocons can't accept facts even if it was right there in front of them. The birth certificate was right there.

Some people deny that the holocaust doesn't exist even when there are plenty of eye witnesses, first hand accounts and even a plethora of photos. Its not because they have a valid argument but because they cant accept FACTS. Their stubborness will not allow them to think in a coherent manor.

The same thing happened with Einstein when he thought the universe did not expand.|||Sheesh, the same document must be used at the DMV, something is seriously wrong if he came this far and became president with phony documents don't ya think? He is a citizen of the U.S., build a BRIDGE and get over it.

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|||Your question = FAIL.

No CERTIFIED copy has been offered. In fact, Hawaiian officials have said for the record they WILL NOT produce a certified copy.

You do raise this question though: Since FactCheck got to see, handle, photograph and I guess bend, fold, spindle and perhaps mutilate it, why is he still spending money litigating to PREVENT any Judge from seeing it when "just showing it" would be free?

Last I knew, still 8 or 9 cases open . . .

Best of his ability? He has the ability to produce a CERTIFIED copy, or even the original vault certificate if he chooses. He has instead:

a) Produced a certifiably fake BC, then later;

b) Showed what is alleged to be an authentic (but still not certified) copy to a WEB SITE publisher and NO ONE else!

Honestly, if that's "the best of his ability" he ought not to be allowed out of sight of his caregiver.|||Here is the lawsuit filed by Alan Keyes- American Independant Party candidate for President.鈥?/a>

No one can prove it except Obama- and he refuses to!

Edit: To the best of his ability? A forged copy. Why spend thousands to try to get the cases dismissed when all he has to do is provide the original? There are 17 lawsuits- a presidential candidate has now filed one- WHY would Obama let it get to this point if there is not a problem?????|||why are you tired of people saying Obama has to prove he is a citizen?

McCain produced his original birth certificate proving he was a citizen when people started saying he wasn't.

Why is Obama exempt??

FYI: a copy of a registration of birth dated 2004 does not a birth certificate make. like it or not, there is a difference.

|||Obama does have a Hawaiian Birth Certificate, because his birth was registered there. That doesn't mean he was born there. And being adopted by his Indonesian step-father, trumps every thing. It's out of Obama hands now. He had his chance to prove it and he didn't, now he has to suffer the consequences.|||鈥?/a>

There is nothing wrong with his evidence, and it isn't "his", it is the state of Hawaii.

Let's leave out the FBI, State Dept, and the DNC, who DO HAVE authority and means to verify all documents. Sure.. all those agencies are stupid enough to not check the facts in credible sources.


What gets lost is that someone thinks they "can argue" it and it comes down to what you believe/ don't believe. The alternate side of the discussion is that NO ONE has anything other than what they read on some website.. and from a person known for attempting to have Bush arrested.

This isn't a matter of opinion.. it is factual records vs some wild story about grandma. And.. these people repeat how "grandma would not lie" .. as if they personally had lunch with her last week. Do they even comprehend how easy it is to fake a tape recording and claim it to be someone else? One guy argued that the birth announcement "had to be fake".. since the parents didn't live at that location in 1961.


Bottom line is that they got scammed by one huge publicity stunt.|||I think this entire debate is ridiculous. If Obama is not a US citizen then the entire election process MUST be in trouble. Obama has a long history both here and abroad and his background, education, and accomplishments can be verified. He was even President of the Harvard Law Review. This man did not suddenly appear on American soil as an Arab Muslim terrorist the way that some people are insinuating.|||Can you prove it is?

When you can prove, without a doubt, that his BC is, indeed, authentic, I'm going with my suspicion that it isn't. There are far too many discrepancies.

Obama has hidden a good number of past documents. Why should he be honest about the most important one? Hmm?|||factcheck was reported not to be a reliable source.

I dont know why the obama supporters believe that it has been proven to be a true cetificate.I really dont believe that Mr.Berg would have filed in the supreme Court if it was a true one.People have written me emails,calling a me lair etc..when I post sources where I get the info. |||Trust me, as soon as Obama became a candidate for president, his DNA has been investigated. We are not in Oz, he is and will be President of These un-united states for the next 4 to 8 years.|||I can but you'll have to do a lil traveling,go to Kenya and live with his family for awhile,get to know them and in passing ask - was obama born really here,you'll have your answer|||Apparently there is not HARD evidence that it IS authentic or this would not be an issue that is getting attention by more and more people . |||he won, why cant everyone just live with it.

those who question his citizenship were not able to prove their case before the election, they wont prove it now.

|||Don't hold your breath, you could go to there house in a Brinks truck with every piece of documentation every put out in his name and the will deny it|||The truth will prevail, it always does. Sometime it takes a little longer than we like but it will prevail.|||It just seems a little odd that someone did not have access to their own birth certificate. |||Who needs facts? The Repubs will still be on about this when Obama is up for reelection in 2012.|||ive always been told you cant prove a negative assertion. only a positive one. |||The whole thing is ridiculous and a waste of time.

Actually, I just want 25 thumbs down from the whiners.

.|||I could, but I'm too lazy to do it. |||we are 2 weeks AFTER the election who cares|||what more proof could they want? then again, neo-cons don't believe in facts.|||All of the photos online of Obama's birth certificate have been proven by authorities to be fake. Currently, he is being sued in many states to produce his "vault', long version, certified birth certificate. As we speak a Chicago attorney, Andy Martin, is in Hawaii at a hearing in The Supreme Court to unseal his birth certificate. This entire thing could easily be proven if Obama would unseal his records. Since it is a requirement to run for the presidency to be a natural born citizen, Obama should have to produce it, as the other candidates did. The following article is copied off the web.

"Friday, August 8, 2008

Proof Barack Obama Birth Certificate is a Forgery.

This is an exclusive exposing the Barack Obama birth certificate as an absolute forgery and it has been in plain sight all along.

There can not be any Obamaniacs descending on sites claiming the experts are wrong, pixels are wrong or any other way of muddying the waters as the 1000 points of darkness have been carrying out their marching orders.

Below is a cut out of one part of the published Barack Obama birth certificate which exposes the fraud and forgery of this document. This is the certified certificate from Barack Obama himself.

What has been staring everyone in the face is the effects of political correctness and no one has seen it. The beauty of this liberal political correctness is that the person who forged this document got caught in their own trap of affirmative action hyphenated Americans.

Look closely at Stanley Ann Dunham's race. Caucasian.

Now look closely at Barack Hussein Obama sr's race. It is listed as African.

That doesn't seem all that interesting and no one has noticed it until one looks that this is an official document filed in August 1961.

Most people on the internet and blogging have no sense of history nor in the use of words and it is this lack of sense which is going to bite whoever forged this document.

Up until 1968, the standard term for all Africans was "negroe". This fit with the absolute secular scientific teaching of the day which notes the world has 3 races in Mongoloid, Caucasoid and *******.

It was not until the Black Revolution when negroe or ***** became a foul description in the late 1960's and then "black" was demanded by this group to describe them.

It was not until the late 1970's when political correctness came into vogue that it ushered in by the 1980's the term "African" to describe all blacks.

Whoever forged this birth certificate was not utilizing the 1960's terminology which a black person would be listed as. They fell instead into a warped year 2000 politically correct description of "African".

This is absolutely telling as if you looked at birth records in Prussia centuries ago, those people would be termed Prussian, Bavarian etc... as Germany did not yet exist as a termonology for nation state. If someone was listed as German in 1700, it would be glaring forgery just like the Obama forgery stuns the eyes once one knows what they are looking at.

One could research the certificates in Hawaii for absolutes, but considering as has been warned in this blog that Hawaii is a Democratic state, has Democratic officials who have been hemming and hawing about this certificate and only upon precise questioning do they start backing down as it means their jobs and prison time if they certify a forgery as real and this is Democratic transplanted son Barack Obama carrying on this charade, could one ever get a clear answer from them unless one looked at numbers of birth certificates to precisely learn how Hawaii was labeling "blacks".

If this case it is African, then why is not Stanley Ann Dunham labeled correctly North American after her continent? She though is labeled correctly as caucasian as that is exactly as she is.

If one still today searches enough death certificates in the 50 United States, you will find listed on them the term *****. Now that is over 40 years since 1961 in Barack Obama's birth and political correctness has not reached completely into the coroner's records.

That fact is scientific and if it still exists today as proof it certainly is the proof from before 1900 in America and past 1960 that all blacks were noted as "negroe" or "*****" on all public records from birth certificates, marriage licenses, passports, driver's licenses to death certificates.

Whoever forged the Barack Obama birth certificate got caught in Mr. Obama's own political correctness.

In 1961 America, blacks were negroes and not Africans no matter if they came from Africa or not.

If one cares to examine the Negroe Leagues in baseball where blacks were to "pass" as Cubans to the United Negroe College Fund to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, there was no African at all in any terminology.

One was negroe on legal documents and "colored" in common usage.

No pixels in this. No questioning borders and no questions about the researcher's expertise as negroe is American history."|||I can argue the point, but if you don't believe it, then you don't.

First of all, on the Honolulu newspaper, BO's mom or grandmother could have added it to the birth announcements, it was legal for people other than the hospitals to post them.

On the certification by the HI authorities who said "I have seen BO's Hawaiian birth certificate," this authority did NOT say he saw Obama's vault copy of the long form that included the signature of the attending Honolulu hospital physician. To be official in Hawaii, the form must include the physician signature.

The certificate BO submitted is a generic issue that is written for any person who could use an alternate birth document, such as a parents passport or birth certificate, per some "heresay" Act put in place in Hawaii in 1911.. So we still don't have proof of BO's birth in hawaii.

Oh, and by the way, is an Annenboerg entity, which used to house Obama on it's board - they are the most biased source you can tap.|||No reason to keep rehashing something that will productively go nowhere. Glad you know how silly the argument is. Ignore it.

Most who insist on bringing this up have incorrect information on citizenship law.

Barack Obama is, in fact, a natural-born citizen of the United States, for the simple reason that he was born on American soil (in Hawaii, two years after it acquired statehood). The age and citizenship status of Obama's parents at the time have no bearing on Obama's own citizenship.

Any confusion on this point is the result of misunderstanding the legal concepts of jus sanguinis (right of blood) and jus soli (right of birthplace). Also the 14th Amendment and Article Two of the US Constitution. The state of Hawaii has also affirmed his birth certificate's validity.|||I am tried of hearing about Obama not being a citizen, he was born in Hawaiian.|||Who cares. Obama is President Elect and President on Jan, 20th.|||It was signed and certified by Karl Marx.|||everytime some fool mentions it you have to take a drink|||Want a soda, dude?|||umm, the birth certificate doesn't list the hospital and wasn't registered for a few days afterward but really, does it matter about the birth certificate? I mean McCain was born off shore, on a military base but because his pops was in the military it didn't matter...I was concerned that Obama was adopted by an Indonesian islamic and was reared as a moslem, but he claims that he is Christian, so who are we to question or know what is actually in his heart? Its over, lets start judging his actions, or those stories that are written about him by the 'head over heals' in love with him media, lol.

Who knows? Maybe other candidates accepted 'foreign aid' for college funding as it has been reported, he was an Indonesian citizen ya know and still is , legally never surrendered his citizenship there...just saying...? I had to throw that in there...Love to stir the pot...His college records are also SEALED, lol...BUT, who knows, Maybe he will turn out all right after all? Lets wait and see...

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