Friday, January 27, 2012

How would I go about getting a birth certificate through the mail from Haverhill, Mass?

Right now Im 2,000 miles away from Haverhill, so I cant drive there. But how would I get a birth certificate through the mail?How would I go about getting a birth certificate through the mail from Haverhill, Mass?
Easy, call the county registrars office nad request a certified copy, you pay them over the phone, they mail it you. Costs between 10-15 bucks usually
That's really sad whn I know that you're going to drive 2000 miles to get your birth certificate ! (: But I guess that you can be delvred your birth certificate replacement online; and there're several sites that have nationwide records and can be very helpful to you:

See for example: http://www.replacementbirthcertificate.o鈥?/a> perhaps it can be an answere to your request.How would I go about getting a birth certificate through the mail from Haverhill, Mass?
thats too far to go, driving that long will really takes its toll. however, you can either do that or check your local office regarding this, and/or check this site to help you out. http://www.replacementbirthcertificate.o鈥?/a> hope i helped you out.How would I go about getting a birth certificate through the mail from Haverhill, Mass?
If you are living there in a town for awhile you just go to the town hall in your area and asked for one.
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