Friday, January 20, 2012

Why did you present a forged birth certificate to the American public?

Many experts, such as Mara Zebest, have concluded that the document you presented as your birth certificate is a forgery. Please respond in a constructive manner.Why did you present a forged birth certificate to the American public?
Ed, my birth certificate is, A) perfectly valid and certified, and, B) none of your friggin' business under any circumstances.

Now, since you're actually talking about President Obama (You little right wing tea bagger you), let it go! Get over it! Obama was born a U.S. Citizen, he is not now nor has he ever been a Muslim, he didn't remove his jewelry to honor Ramadan, has not had the White House redorated to honor Islam, etc.

By the way, the lovely Ms. Zebest's "analysis" has been completely debunked and her every point that supposedly indicated the document was a forgery has been scientifically refuted by experts.Why did you present a forged birth certificate to the American public?
Barack Hussein Obama presented a forged birth certificate just prior to the release of the book "Where's The Birth Certificate". Then after realizing that what he posted was a very bad forgery, Barack Hussein Obama ordered the killing of Osama Bin Laden to change the news stories away from his obviously forged birth certificate. (remember the pictures/no pictures fiasco the White House orchestrated to keep the news media's attention away from the forged birth certificate)Why did you present a forged birth certificate to the American public?
I never presented a forged birth certificate. Why are you saying that I did?

Oh, and if you're talking about Obama, he doesn't come to Y!A to answer questions. Is there a reason that you thought he did?
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